Duna Gant

I started my work in SL in July 2010 and art has always been my goal. First as director of Galerie Artemis, after as curator in different projects  and photographer,  finally as a 3D artist.
Through fb I have made known the virtual art, with my photographs of the works of virtual artists, outsiders virtual platforms.

- Director in Galerie Artemis  (juli 2010 - september 2014):  29 exhibitions
- Curator in Galerie Artemis in 4 exhibitions
- Curator in the exhibition "24 artists at Galerie Artemis" for the SL10B
- Curator of installations " Regaining freedom " and " RELIVE " for 2LeiSL
- Curator in Trésor de l'Art in 7  exhibitions
- Curator of the group Alegría and presentation of an installation in LEA
- Curator:  "Spanish art for Life" and "France art for Life" for the "Foundation for Life SL"
- Organizing concerts (in Galerie Artemis, Trésor de l'Art, LEA, Foundation for Life SL and  Universidad de Aveiro SL)
- Creator of the project PrimArt for the group 1+1 Artinformación
- Publication of several articles on art blog Galerie Artemis and the monthly magazine group 1+1 Artinformación
- Photographer and disseminator of virtual art in pg fb:
and profil fb:  
- Builder 3D
- Artist photographer at 5 exhibitions (Gallery Tanalois, TheEye, Diotima, and  2Lei SL)  
- Artist 3D in the exhibitions:
"Boxes 3D art"  (Lisa Expo Gallery and The Burn2 SL 2015)
"To Sketch by Duna Gant" (Diotima Gallery)
"Nowhere? Now Here by Duna Gant" (Art Gallery TheEye)
"Fashion colors" (Glitter and Fundación española contra el cáncer)
Participation with seven works in the project "Virtual contemporary art fair"
Participation in the work "La femme du miroir" in the exhibition ART IS WOMEN for 2Lei SL  2015
Universidade de Aveiro SL :
"Creta, primeira arquitetura europeia" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxV8Q4Q0XKk
"Trompe l'oeil"
"Fire Stars" and "Light Sea" for the BURN2 SL 2015.
"Fire Neons" for the BURN2 SL 2016.
2Lei SL 2016:
"Only People"

-Creator and curator of the projet AWEN, in the metaverse EVER (University of Strasbourg):
Presentation of 28 artists in the sims: AWEN and AWEN musée